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Lab News

The Siracusa Lab's Recent Publications

Mark Siracusa

Chandler recently published a review article titled "The Therapeutic Potential of Targeting Cytokine Alarmins to Treat Allergic Airway Inflammation" in frontiers in Physiology. His article highlights the role cytokine alarmins play in regulating allergic responses and describes the recently developed biologics designed to target these pathways.

Everett also recently published a primary research article in The Journal of Experimental Medicine titled "Carbonic anhydrase enzymes regulate mast cell–mediated inflammation".  This article describes a perviously undefined role for Carbonic anhydrase enzyme in regulating both murine and haman mast cell development.  Further, these studies demonstrate that this pathway can be target to prevent mast responses in a model of food allergy-like disease.  We are currently pursuing these studies to better understand their exciting therapeutic potential.

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