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Lab News

Collaboration with Gause Lab published in Cell Reports

Mark Siracusa

We are very excited to see our latest collaboration with the Gause Lab published in Cell Reports. This study describes the role of monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages are selectively programmed in the pulmonary environment to express AM markers and an anti-helminth phenotype. The article in linked below:

Helminth resistance is mediated by differential activation of recruited monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages and arginine depletion

NemaGen Discoveries Receives Seed Funding

Mark Siracusa

NemaGen Discoveries, Inc., an early-stage therapeutics company and Rutgers University spinout, is working to alleviate two chronic health conditions that impact over 24 million people in the United States: asthma and allergic disease ( The company’s hopes of doing so are being bolstered by significant seed funding received from the Foundation Venture Capital Group (FVCG), an affiliate of the New Jersey Health Foundation (NJHF).

Collaboration with Hu Lab published in Nature Communications

Mark Siracusa

We are very excited to collaborate with the Hu Lab in Rutgers New Brunswick which was recently published in Nature Communications. These results thus reveal a previously unrecognized function of p53 in regulating intestinal type 2 immunity to protect against parasitic infections, highlighting the role of p53 as a guardian of immune integrity. Article linked below:

Tumor suppressor p53 regulates intestinal type 2 immunity

Juan awarded his PhD

Mark Siracusa

We are extremely proud of Juan as he successfully defended his thesis today. Juan is moving on to a post-doc at University of Pennsylvania and we are excited to see his successes in the future. We will miss you, Juan! Good luck!

Keystone Conference- Helminths: New Insights from Immunity to Global Health

Mark Siracusa

We our extremely proud of one of our members, Juan, who received a travel grant to attend the keystone conference: Helminths: New Insights from Immunity to Global Health from December 8-12th, 2019, in Cape Town, South Africa. This was exciting as many of the biggest names in the field of helminths and type 2 immunology. Juan was one of only a few student speakers at the conference, allowing him to network as he is approaching the end of his PhD thesis. We also enjoyed the local South African geography and flavors of local cuisine!

Regional Academic Drug Discovery Day

Mark Siracusa

We were happy to participate in the 3rd Annual Regional Academic Drug Discovery Day at Princeton University on November 1st, 2019. Christina presented during the poster session. She was able to network with governmental, academic, and industry researchers on some of the work she has been doing in lab.

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Undergraduate Summer Research Student, Alex Rodrigues, wins best poster

Mark Siracusa

Every summer our lab hosts undergraduate students that are interested and passionate about research. This year we hosted an undergraduate student, Alex Rodrigues, from the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. These students work with us throughout the summer culminating in a poster presentation from all the undergraduate students participating in summer research. Alex has won best poster for the research performed in our lab over the summer. Congratulations Alex!

2019 i3D Symposium at Rutgers

Mark Siracusa

This year our own institution of Rutgers is proud to host the i3D Symposium: ‘Immune cells at the forefront of Health and Disease’ from May 21-22. Talks will highlight recent high-impact findings on immune responses by diverse myeloid and lymphocyte populations in settings of allergy, cancer, autoimmunity, and infection. The speaker lineup includes researchers from the NIH, Yale, Cornell, NYU and Rockefeller Universities. See more at the link below:

2019 i3D Symposium at Rutgers

24th Annual Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting

Mark Siracusa

Our lab was extremely excited to attend the 24th Annual Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting (WHIP) which is held annually in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Juan won best presentation for an oral presentation on his research. Christina and John both presented in the poster session. We had a great time meeting other researchers within our field and our lab definitely enjoyed the local lobster.


Chandler awarded his PhD

Mark Siracusa

We are extremely proud of Chandler who successfully defended his PhD thesis today. Chandler will go on to finish his MD. We will miss Chandler and wish him the best of luck in the future. Congratulations Chandler!


Type 2 Immunity in Homeostasis and Disease Conference in Belgium

Mark Siracusa

The lab was extremely excited to be able to go to the Type 2 Immunity in Homeostasis and Disease Conference, held this year in Bruges, Belgium from February 21-22. Juan and Christina both presented their research in the poster session. This was an invaluable conference for my lab to network with some of the biggest names in our field. We also were able to take time to enjoy the local architecture and culture of Belgium!


The Siracusa Lab's Recent Publications

Mark Siracusa

Chandler recently published a review article titled "The Therapeutic Potential of Targeting Cytokine Alarmins to Treat Allergic Airway Inflammation" in frontiers in Physiology. His article highlights the role cytokine alarmins play in regulating allergic responses and describes the recently developed biologics designed to target these pathways.

Everett also recently published a primary research article in The Journal of Experimental Medicine titled "Carbonic anhydrase enzymes regulate mast cell–mediated inflammation".  This article describes a perviously undefined role for Carbonic anhydrase enzyme in regulating both murine and haman mast cell development.  Further, these studies demonstrate that this pathway can be target to prevent mast responses in a model of food allergy-like disease.  We are currently pursuing these studies to better understand their exciting therapeutic potential.

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Immunology 2016 (AAI, Seattle)

Mark Siracusa

Dr. Siracusa travelled to Seattle, WA to attend AAI 2016 and to present Everett's work looking at the enzymatic regulation of mast cell development. Everett's studies were very well received and their therapeutic potential provoked a great amount of interest. Dr. Siracusa was also able to spend some time with good friends from Johns Hopkins and UPenn that were also attending the meeting. As usual, it was a great meeting both scientifically and socially.